The Effect of Electronic Word Of Mouth (E-WOM) on Social Media TikTok to Brand Trust and Its Impact on Buying Interest in Mixue Brand Ice Cream Products (Survey on State University Students in West Java)

Melan Rosmayanti(1), Ina Ratnasari(2),

(1) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
(2) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Corresponding Author


Social media is now growing very fast. One of the social media commonly used by Indonesian people is TikTok. The spread of information on TikTok is so fast that many companies use TikTok for promotional activities. One of them is Mixue, which is a brand ice cream company. This study aims to examine and analyze The Effect of Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) on Social Media TikTok on Brand trust and Its Impact on Interest in Buying Mixue Brand Ice cream Products (survey on State University Students in West Java). This research was conducted using quantitative methods with descriptive and verification approaches. The population in this study were state university students in West Java with a sample of 400 respondents who were calculated using the Slovin formula and an error rate of 5% and a nonprobability sampling technique with a purposive sampling approach. The data analysis technique used is path analysis with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software. The results showed that electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) directly had a positive and significant effect on brand trust and buying interest in Mixue ice cream products. Brand trust also has a positive and significant effect on the intention to buy Mixue ice cream products. The results of this study also show that brand trust can mediate the effect of electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) on buying interest in Mixue ice cream products.


Brand trust; Buying interest; Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM); Mixue; TikTok


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