Effect of Post-Harvest Storage Temperature on Physical Parameters of Cavendish Banana (Musa Paradisiaca)

Syakura Nur Mabrukah(1), Hilda Aulia Ramadan(2), Moza Rozida Al Cholifi(3), Aulia Rahmah(4),

(1) Ma’had Al-Zaytun
(2) Ma’had Al-Zaytun
(3) Ma’had Al-Zaytun
(4) Ma’had Al-Zaytun
Corresponding Author


The Cavendish banana (Musa paradisiaca) is one of the most popular fruits. The content of the Cavendish banana is beneficial for the body, as it is considered a climacteric fruit. Cavendish bananas undergo a ripening and maturation process after being harvested. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of storage temperature on the sweetness and temperature of Cavendish bananas. The research was designed using an experiment with a randomized group design. The treatment involved storing the bananas for eight days at two different room temperatures: 13-18°C and 14 -19°C in a cold storage room. Physical parameters of Cavendish bananas were measured on days 4, 6, and 8 after they were removed from cold storage. The results indicated that the storage temperature of 13-18°C resulted in a higher rate of change in the sweetness level of the bananas and a lower fruit temperature compared to the 14-19°C treatment


Cavendish banana; Storage; Sweetness; Temperature.


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