Enhancement of Sensory Qualities of Papaya Leaf Extract (PLE) Gummy Candy

Bernel Hussein D. Acob(1), Ziah Jarmaine L. Hizon(2), Aiden Kristoff R. Limbungan(3), Rya Edryn Louise L. Watiwat(4), Anamarie G. Valdez(5),

(1) Sultan Kudarat State University
(2) Sultan Kudarat State University
(3) Sultan Kudarat State University
(4) Sultan Kudarat State University
(5) Sultan Kudarat State University
Corresponding Author


This study aimed to improve the sweetened candy papaya leaf extract by enhancing sensory qualities using six treatments.  We used the Evaluation Rating Sheets to evaluate the five sensory qualities, namely: color, odor, taste, texture, and overall appearance.  There were twenty respondents evaluated the sweetened candy and were given a chance to rate it with the five ranges and parameters along with its interpretation. We used the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the difference between the sensory qualities of the treatments regarding sugar and honey. As the findings were concluded, it was found that each sweetener used in each replication contains the lowest mean, highest mean, and grand mean with the interpretation of Not acceptable, Slightly acceptable, Acceptable, Highly acceptable, and Very highly acceptable. In conclusion, we concluded that there is a statistically significant difference between Replication 1 and Replication 2 in terms of the five sensory qualities of sugar and honey as sweeteners. Thus, this study is beneficial to all youngsters, parents, candy manufacturers, and future researchers.


Gummy candy; Papaya leaf extract


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