Navigating Rice Export Restrictions: The Impact of India's Policy on Domestic and International Markets

Mohd Akhter Ali(1), M. Kamraju(2), Devkar Bhausaheb Sonaji(3),

(1) Osmania University
(2) Ministry of Education
(3) Commerce and Science College
Corresponding Author


This research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of India's rice export restrictions on both domestic and international markets. By exploring the multifaceted consequences of these policies, the study aims to shed light on the complexities and challenges involved in managing trade regulations for this vital commodity. The paper delves into the effects of export restrictions on India's domestic rice market, investigating their influence on rice prices, availability, and food security within the country. By examining historical rice export policies and utilizing case studies, the research highlights the social, economic, and political implications of these restrictions on various stakeholders. Furthermore, the study evaluates the ramifications of India's rice export restrictions on the global market, considering how these measures impact rice prices, supply, and demand on an international scale. The paper also analyses the effects on rice-importing countries, especially those heavily reliant on Indian rice exports. As the research unfolds, it explores alternative policy approaches to address domestic food security concerns without resorting to export restrictions. Additionally, the study presents policy recommendations aimed at striking a balance between safeguarding India's food security and fostering sustainable global trade relations. By encompassing these key aspects, this research paper offers valuable insights into the complexities of navigating rice export restrictions, enabling policymakers, economists, and stakeholders to make informed decisions in a dynamic global economy.


Domestic market; Food security; India; International market; Policy recommendations; Rice export restrictions; Trade policies


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